The best seller novel and a movie/ TV based, The Da Vinci Code now turn to symbian games. The Da Vinci Code 3D, a very depth and detail graphic that you never seen before is in your mobile game now. You play as Robert Langdon, and you must prove your innocence and to solve murder of Jacques Sauni.

In this The Da Vinci Code 3D for Symbian Phones, there are six different locations, including the Louvre, the Bank of Zurich, Teabing's Mansion, Temple Church, and Westminster Abbey. All that location loaded at fully detail, some puzzles to solve, and the ability to talk with another characters.
You must enjoy this symbian games, and feel free to play The Da Vinci Code 3D for Symbian. I try this games on my N Gage, and it work fine.
Developer : Blaze
Genre: Action, Movie/TV Based
Players: 1
Released: 31 May 06
2 comment:
where's the link??
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